

  • conducted candidate search and interviews to fill open positions
  • 搜寻:    search for; look for; seek
  • 适当:    suitable; proper; appropriat ...
  • 人选:    person selected; choice of p ...
  • :    reach; come up to
  • 面试:    an oral quiz; an audition


        搜寻:    search for; look for; seek
        适当:    suitable; proper; appropriat ...
        人选:    person selected; choice of p ...
        :    reach; come up to
        面试:    an oral quiz; an audition
        :    use; take
        填满:    feed to the full; fill to th ...
        空缺:    vacancy; opening
        适当人选:    fit and proper person
        适当人选准则:    fi t and proper criteria
        物色适当人选:    try to find a suitable person
        持牌的适当人选:    fit and proper person to hold licence
        适当人选的准则:    fit and proper criteria thesfcc
        不适当人格:    inadequate personality
        不适当人群:    not suitable for: low blood pressure
        适当人口:    optimum population
        招聘策略及面试技巧:    recruiting strategies and interview skill
        人选:    person selected; choice of persons 物色适当人选 try to find a suitable person (for a job); 决定秘书长的人选 decide who is to be secretary-general
        空缺:    vacant position; vacancy 递补空缺 fill (up) a vacancy by election; 待遇优厚的打字员和职员的空缺 good vacancy for typists and clerks; 内阁中的空缺 a vacancy in the cabinet
        填满:    feed to the full; fill to the full; packaging; filling-in
        搜寻:    search for; look for; seek 在屋子里到处搜寻 ferret about in the house
        也可以填“:    toorder
        装满空气的:    pneumatic
        适当:    suitable; proper; appropriate 适当的安排 proper arrangement; 适当的场合 suitable occasion; 在适当的时机 at an opportune moment; 适当的权限 due authority; 适当的增长率 proper growth rate; 予以适当的照顾 give adequate [proper] consideration; 适当安置 proper [appropriate] arrangement; 适当比例 proper [appropriate] proportion; 适当处罚 proper punishment; 适当措施 adequate measures; 适当规模集成电路 right scale integrated circuit; 适当聚焦 adequate focusing; 适当平均 fair average; 适当用法 directione propria [拉丁语]
        交当人:    pawner


  1. "搜寻区域"英文
  2. "搜寻取代"英文
  3. "搜寻失踪的飞机"英文
  4. "搜寻时间"英文
  5. "搜寻时间长度"英文
  6. "搜寻顺序"英文
  7. "搜寻速度"英文
  8. "搜寻算法的最佳性"英文
  9. "搜寻索尔的舞会"英文
  10. "搜寻所需之粮食"英文


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