搜寻: search for; look for; seek尔: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...舞会: dance; ball; dancing party秋天的舞会: sügisball蜻蜓的舞会: dance of the dragonfly三个人的舞会: twins消防员的舞会: the firemen・s ball寻索: explore; seek维斯瓦河上的舞会: the party on the wisla也指”盛大而正式的舞会”: ballroom ball在大学的舞会门口写“: come stag or drag自带酒类饮料参加的舞会: byob party舞会: dance; ball; dancing party 举行舞会 hold a dance; 开舞会 give a dance; 家庭舞会 family dancing party 搜寻: search for; look for; seek 在屋子里到处搜寻 ferret about in the house真理的寻索: basic christianity索尔: sauer; saul bellow; saurd; sal; soar; sohl; soll; sool; sore; sorre; sors; soule; sowle; thor; thrall; tkhor创舞会: chang mu dance company歌舞会: corroboree; dance recital开舞会: having dances可舞会: the jellicle ball其舞会: hoedown跳舞会: ball舞会村: masquerade village舞会服: fancy dress costume