

发音:   用"掉包袱"造句
  • gimmick stunt
  • 掉包:    stealthily substitute one th ...
  • :    cloth scarf used as wrap; cl ...
  • 甩掉包袱:    cast off a burden
  • 噱头;掉包袱:    gimmick, stunt
  • 掉包:    (暗中以假换真或以坏换好) stealthily substitute one thing for another


  1. Take the load off


        掉包:    stealthily substitute one th ...
        :    cloth scarf used as wrap; cl ...
        甩掉包袱:    cast off a burden
        噱头;掉包袱:    gimmick, stunt
        掉包:    (暗中以假换真或以坏换好) stealthily substitute one thing for another
        包袱:    1.(包东西的布) cloth-wrappers2.(布包起来的包) a bundle wrapped in cloth 手里提着一个包袱 with a cloth-wrapped bundle in one's hand3.(负担) millstone round one's neck; load; weight; encumbrance; burden 思想包袱 a load on one's neck; a weight on one's mind; a mental burden; 背思想包袱 be spiritually weighed down; 放下包袱, 轻装前进 cast off mental burdens and continue with one's mind at ease
        包裹,包袱:    bundle
        背包袱:    carry baggage -- have a weight [load] on one's mind; become a burden on one's mind; carry a bundle on one's back; take on a mental burden 你不要因此背包袱。 don't let it weigh on your mind
        包袱-胡彦斌:    dj vicky remix
        包袱皮儿:    cloth-wrapper
        背思想包袱:    be spiritually weighed down
        沉重的包袱:    a millstone around one’s neck; white elephant
        打开包袱:    untie a bundle
        放下包袱:    lay down the burden; laying my burdens down
        历史包袱:    historical burden
        思想包袱:    mental load
        放下包袱,轻装前进:    cast off mental burdens and continue with one's mind at ease
        放下包袱轻装前进:    cast off mental burdens and continue with one's mind at ease
        你不要因此背包袱:    don't let it weigh on your mind
        手里提着一个包袱:    with a cloth-wrapped bundle in one's hand millstone round one's neckloadweightencumbranceburden
        但是,我们继承我们背包袱:    but we carry on our backs the burden
        掉宝 全攻略:    lt tr tm
        掉膘:    loss of flesh; lossing condition; rundown condition
        掉棒:    drop rod
        掉膘母牛:    loss of flesh cow
        掉版:    image weakening


  1. "刁翎"英文
  2. "掉"英文
  3. "掉版"英文
  4. "掉棒"英文
  5. "掉包"英文
  6. "掉宝 全攻略"英文
  7. "掉膘"英文
  8. "掉膘母牛"英文
  9. "掉尘"英文
  10. "掉出"英文


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