Now there were a number of people at bagneres who knew her , and they made a point of calling on the duke to inform him of mademoiselle gautier s true situation 在巴涅尔也有一些人认识玛格丽特,他们专诚拜访公爵,将戈蒂埃小姐的社会地位据实相告。
老实相告: tell the truth实相: real mark / real appearances; sanesuke; science-reality互相告: litigation本真,实相: reality实相山: silsangsan实相身: the absolute truth or light of the buddha i. e. the dharmakāya实相寺: jissoji实相院: jissoin与实相: truth &reality奔走相告: rush about telling the news [message]; go [run] around spreading (the news); go round telling everyone (that ...)尽情相告: unbosom oneself to sb有事相告: ihave something to tell you与互相告别: exchange farewells with辗转相告: pass from mouth to mouth直言相告: tell someone flat不据实申报: fail to submit a true report根据实验的: experimental据实报告: give a factual report据实的报道: a factual account据实的判断: an objective appraisal据实而报: give a matter-of-fact account据实而言: call a pikestaff a pikestaff; call a spade a spade; speak the truth据实招供: confess truthfully [according to fact]; confess the truth at court; tell the facts in court据实招认: factual admission据史书记载: according to historical records据守: guard; be entrenched in 据守交通要道 guard vital lines of communication; be entrenched in communication centres