

  • exchange farewells with
  • :    take part in; participate in
  • 互相:    mutual; each other
  • 告别:    leave; part from
  • 互相告:    litigation
  • 告别:    1.(离别; 分手) leave; part from [with]: 向亲友告别 take leave of one's relatives and friends; 告别了父母, 告别了家乡 take leave of one's parents and hometown2.(辞行) bid farewell to; say good-bye to 与 ...互相告别 exchange farewells with ...; 情意绵绵地向妻子告别 bid one's wife a fond farewell; 向朋友告别 say good-bye to one's friend; 挥手告别 wave farewell; 向遗体告别 pay one's last respects to the deceased; 告别场面 swan song; 告别词 farewell speech; valediction; 告别酒 stirrup cup; 告别宴会 farewell banquet; 告别仪式 farewell ceremony


        :    take part in; participate in
        互相:    mutual; each other
        告别:    leave; part from
        互相告:    litigation
        告别:    1.(离别; 分手) leave; part from [with]: 向亲友告别 take leave of one's relatives and friends; 告别了父母, 告别了家乡 take leave of one's parents and hometown2.(辞行) bid farewell to; say good-bye to 与 ...互相告别 exchange farewells with ...; 情意绵绵地向妻子告别 bid one's wife a fond farewell; 向朋友告别 say good-bye to one's friend; 挥手告别 wave farewell; 向遗体告别 pay one's last respects to the deceased; 告别场面 swan song; 告别词 farewell speech; valediction; 告别酒 stirrup cup; 告别宴会 farewell banquet; 告别仪式 farewell ceremony
        互相:    mutual; each other 互相包庇 harbour [shield] each other; 互相策应 echo one another; take concerted action; in coordination with one another; 互相吹棒 flatter each other; logroll; claw me and i'll claw thee
        奔走相告:    rush about telling the news [message]; go [run] around spreading (the news); go round telling everyone (that ...)
        尽情相告:    unbosom oneself to sb
        据实相告:    tell according to facts
        老实相告:    tell the truth
        有事相告:    ihave something to tell you
        辗转相告:    pass from mouth to mouth
        直言相告:    tell someone flat
        告别;告别的;再见:    farewell
        告别, 辞行:    bid farewell; take farewell
        告别;告辞:    say good bye to; say goodbye to
        告别辞:    finely; goodbye
        告别词:    farewell address; valediction; valedictory
        告别的:    apopemptic; farewell; finely; parting; valedictory
        告别费:    severance pay
        告别话:    farewell
        告别酒:    stirrup cup
        告别赛:    farewell match
        告别式:    funeral
        告别秀:    qaf saying goodbye; will and grace say goodnight gracie


  1. "与后现代建筑"英文
  2. "与呼气同步间歇性强制性通气"英文
  3. "与呼吸相关限制活动日"英文
  4. "与呼吸有关的睡眠障碍"英文
  5. "与虎谋皮"英文
  6. "与花瓣互生的"英文
  7. "与花蜜和花粉酿成"英文
  8. "与花蜜混合"英文
  9. "与花有关的"英文
  10. "与华法林钠"英文


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