

  • exhumation
  • 遗骸:    remains; body; corpse; dust; ...
  • 拾遗:    1.(拾取失物)appropriate lost property 路不拾遗。no one pockets anything found on the road.2.(补充遗漏)make good omissions
  • 遗骸:    remains; (dead) body; corpse; dust; carcass 失事船只[飞机等]的遗骸 remains of a wreck
  • 捡拾:    collection; gathering; gleaning; lect
  • 拾遗记:    the loser


        遗骸:    remains; body; corpse; dust; ...
        拾遗:    1.(拾取失物)appropriate lost property 路不拾遗。no one pockets anything found on the road.2.(补充遗漏)make good omissions
        遗骸:    remains; (dead) body; corpse; dust; carcass 失事船只[飞机等]的遗骸 remains of a wreck
        捡拾:    collection; gathering; gleaning; lect
        拾遗记:    the loser
        残骸,遗骸:    remains (body)
        遗迹,遗骸:    remains
        本草拾遗:    supplement to the herbal
        道不拾遗:    (形容民风淳厚) no one pockets anything found on the road. -- honesty prevails throughout society.; no one picks up what's left by the wayside.; no one would keep lost articles found by the roadside
        古语拾遗:    kogoshūi
        路不拾遗:    (no one) picks up lost articles on the street -- a peaceful and prosperous time.; a society where the moral standard is high, regarding personal honesty; lost articles are always returned.; no one would pick up in the street things dropped by other people.; passers-by do not touch other's lost articles on the road.; property left by the roadside remained untouched till the owner returned for it
        路不拾遗no:    one pockets anything found on the road. make good omissions
        拾遗补缺:    make good omissions and deficiencies
        拾遗补阙:    make good omissions and deficiencies
        拾遗补阙[缺]:    make good omissions and deficiencies
        拾遗工部龙:    gongbusaurus shiyii dong et al
        拾遗往生传:    shūi ōjō den
        搜集物;拾遗:    gleanings
        处置遗骸:    disposal of the dead
        船舶遗骸法:    the wreck act
        焚化遗骸:    burning of human remains
        古遗骸群集:    paloethanatocoenois
        磷质遗骸:    phosphatic remains
        人类遗骸:    human remains
        生物遗骸:    organic remains


  1. "捡拾压机"英文
  2. "捡拾压捆机"英文
  3. "捡拾压捆机捆绳"英文
  4. "捡拾压捆机喂入螺旋"英文
  5. "捡拾压捆机柱塞"英文
  6. "捡拾装载机"英文
  7. "捡拾装置"英文
  8. "捡穗机"英文
  9. "捡田螺"英文
  10. "捡音乐功率输出"英文


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