

[ shíyí ] 发音:   "拾遗"的汉语解释   用"拾遗"造句
  • 1.(拾取失物)appropriate lost property 短语和例子
    2.(补充遗漏)make good omissions
  • 拾遗记:    the loser
  • 本草拾遗:    supplement to the herbal
  • 道不拾遗:    (形容民风淳厚) no one pockets anything found on the road. -- honesty prevails throughout society.; no one picks up what's left by the wayside.; no one would keep lost articles found by the roadside
  • 古语拾遗:    kogoshūi
  • 捡拾遗骸:    exhumation


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Supplementary on the historical resources of doctor hu shi
  2. Jobs in a scavenging grid
  3. The measures taken by the government to publicise the message that " theft by finding " is an offence under the law
  4. Therefore , a scavenging application runs best in off - peak hours and interferes as little as possible with local control
  5. The number of persons convicted of " theft by finding " , as well as the average penalty imposed on these offenders , in each of the past three years ; and




        拾遗记:    the loser
        本草拾遗:    supplement to the herbal
        道不拾遗:    (形容民风淳厚) no one pockets anything found on the road. -- honesty prevails throughout society.; no one picks up what's left by the wayside.; no one would keep lost articles found by the roadside
        古语拾遗:    kogoshūi
        捡拾遗骸:    exhumation
        路不拾遗:    (no one) picks up lost articles on the street -- a peaceful and prosperous time.; a society where the moral standard is high, regarding personal honesty; lost articles are always returned.; no one would pick up in the street things dropped by other people.; passers-by do not touch other's lost articles on the road.; property left by the roadside remained untouched till the owner returned for it
        路不拾遗no:    one pockets anything found on the road. make good omissions
        拾遗补缺:    make good omissions and deficiencies
        拾遗补阙:    make good omissions and deficiencies
        拾遗补阙[缺]:    make good omissions and deficiencies
        拾遗工部龙:    gongbusaurus shiyii dong et al
        拾遗往生传:    shūi ōjō den
        搜集物;拾遗:    gleanings
        本草纲目拾遗:    a supplement to the compendium of materia medica; supplement to compendium of materia medica
        今昔百鬼拾遗:    konjaku hyakki shūi
        宇治拾遗物语:    uji shūi monogatari
        道不拾遗,夜不闭户:    People do not take any articles left by the roadside and doors need not be bolted at night. -- Honesty prevails throughout society.
        道不拾遗,夜不闭户:    people do not take any articles left by the roadside and doors need not be bolted at night. -- honesty prevails throughout society
        路不拾遗,夜不闭户:    If aught was dropped upon the road,none picked it up,nor were the doors of houses locked at night.
        路不拾遗,夜不闭户:    if aught was dropped upon the road, none picked it up, nor were the doors of houses locked at night
        拾壹:    seven-eleven
        拾象头:    video pickup head
        拾像中继发射机:    pickup link transmitter
        拾像管:    pickup tube
        拾物招领处:    lost and found department


        拾遗的法语:动 ramasser des objets perdus et se les approprier路不~ne pas ramasser des objets perdus sur la route
        拾遗的日语:〈書〉 (1)人の遺失物を拾って自分のものにする.猫ばばをする. 夜不闭 bì 户,路不拾遗/夜間も戸締まりを必要とせず,道に物を落としても拾っていく人がいない.世の中がよく治まっているたとえ. (2)他人の著作の遺漏を補充する. 拾遗补阙 bǔquē /遺漏や欠所を補う. (3)思いついたままに書きつける.雑記.
        拾遗的韩语:[동사] (1)습유하다. 떨어뜨린 물건을 줍다[주워 가지다]. 점유 이탈물을 횡령하다. 夜不闭户, 道不拾遗; 【성어】 (정치가 잘 되어) 밤에는 문을 닫지 않고 길에 떨어진 물건도 줍지 않는다 (2)습유하다. 빠진 글을 (후대 사람이) 보충하다. (3)【문어】 타인의 결점이나 과실을 바로잡다. 拾遗补阙; 타인의 과실을 바로잡고 결점을 보완하다 ...
        拾遗的俄语:pinyin:shíyí 1) подобрать (присвоить) утерянное 2) поднять обронённое (обр. в знач.: легче лёгкого) 3) восполнить пропуск (напр. в тексте); добавить...
        拾遗什么意思:shíyí ①拾取旁人遗失的东西,据为己有:夜不闭户,道不~。 ②补充旁人所遗漏的事物:~补阙。


  1. "拾物招领处"英文
  2. "拾像管"英文
  3. "拾像中继发射机"英文
  4. "拾象头"英文
  5. "拾壹"英文
  6. "拾遗补缺"英文
  7. "拾遗补阙"英文
  8. "拾遗补阙[缺]"英文
  9. "拾遗工部龙"英文
  10. "拾遗记"英文


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