损害: harm; damage; injure; damnif ...人类社会: human society的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...道德: morals; morality; ethics观: Taoist temple a surname损害人类社会道德观: damage the morality of human soc人类社会: human society; society人类社会美: beauty of human society人类社会学: anthroposociology构建和谐社会的道德诉求: moral appeal to constructing a harmonious society坚强的道德观念: strong moral fibre ie the courage to face opposition bravely when doing what is right实用主义的道德观: situation ethics人类社会文化: social and cultural anthropology应变道德观, 实用主义的道德观: situation ethics人类社会沧桑巨变: stupendous changes in human society人类社会服务业: social and human services人类社会经济系统: human socioeconomic system人类社会生物学: human sociobiology摈弃剥削阶级的道德观念: abandon the moral values of the exploiting classes道德观: ethics; moral outlook对社会道德观念的冲击: a shock to the sense of a community人类社会基因组计划: sgp人类社会总是不断进步的: human society makes unceasing progress评估董事会的道德环境: assess ethical climate of the board人类的道德价值观变了吗: yo' whatever happened to the values of humanity