In the past 60 years , amid stupendous changes around the world and vicissitudes in the international arena , the united nations has gone through all kinds of tests andtraversed an extraordinary course 60年来,人类社会沧桑巨变,国际舞台风云变幻,联合国也历经种种考验,走过了不平凡的历程。
人类社会: human society巨变: great change; radical change ...人类社会: human society; society人类社会美: beauty of human society人类社会学: anthroposociology人类社会文化: social and cultural anthropology人类社会服务业: social and human services人类社会经济系统: human socioeconomic system人类社会生物学: human sociobiology人类社会基因组计划: sgp人类社会总是不断进步的: human society makes unceasing progress损害人类社会道德观: damage the morality of human soc损害人类社会的道德观: damage the morality of human society社会工作与人类社会学学刊: journal of social work and human sociology巨变: great change; radical change; mutation 山乡巨变 tremendous changes in a mountain village沧桑: (见“沧海桑田”) 饱经沧桑 have experienced many vicissitudes of life人类与社会: homme et la societe la; la homme et la societe社会人类学: cultural anthropology; social anthropology经济和社会人类学: economic and social anthropology人类和社会学院: school of humanities & social sciences社会人类学观察: social anthropological observation社会文化人类学: socio kltural anthropology; sociocultural anthropology社会学和人类学: sociology and anthropology社会学与人类学: chinese sociology and anthropology; sociology/anthropology二类社: chinas category b travel agency