Software pipelining ( swp ) is an effective technique for loop optimization 软件流水是开发循环指令级并行的重要编译技术。
Software pipelining is a loop scheduling technique that extracts ilp by overlapping the execution of several consecutive iterations 软件流水是开发循环程序指令级并行性的重要编译优化技术。
Epic defines a new style of architecture that enables higher levels of instruction level parallelism ( ilp ) without unacceptable hardware complexity Epic是一种显性并行指令计算体系结构,主要思想是利用编译器和处理器的协同能力来提高指令级并行度。
Nowadays , all sorts of multimedia services and network services develop flourishingly . it is far from enough to meet the performance requirement of such services to exploit ilp only 在各种多媒体服务以及网络服务蓬勃发展的今天,仅仅开发传统的指令级并行性已经远远不能满足这些服务对微处理器的性能要求。
Based on the dlx simulator , smarcof is modified with sma specific extension and heuristic optimizing rules . simulation of spec code shows that above rules could exploit hybrid parallelism effectively with rather low overhead 基于spec代码的模拟表明该方式能够有效的挖掘系统的潜力,实现深度的指令级并行和线程级并行开发。