招标: invite tenders; invite bid; ...文件: document; file; papers; inst ...招标文件,标书: bid document.投标文件;招标文件: bidding documents编制招标文件: bidding documents标准招标文件: standard bidding documents sbds招标文件澄清: clarification of bidding documents招标文件修改: amendment of bidding documents招标文件准备: bid documentpreparationn; bid document.preparation招标文件的编制: preparation of tendering documentations十一期直放站招标文件: lhm一个完整的招标文件: rar招标人收到投标文件后: the tenderer shall sign and keethe bid documents when receiving and may not open them招标文件编制实操手册: rar审查招标申请书和招标文件: to examine bidding applications and bidding documents投标人应当按照招标文件的要求编制投标文件: a bidder shall prepare his bid documents as required by the tender documents有组织编制招标文件的能力: it has the ability to organize and prepare bid documents该澄清或者修改的内容为招标文件的组成部分: such clarifications or modifications shall be the constituent of his tender documents目标文件: destination file; object file; target document目标文件名: objname投标文件: bid documents; tender documents; tenderdocuments图标文件: icon file像标文件: icon file过程目标文件: procedure object file技术目标文件: technical objective documents