By use of the relationships between the hermite polynomial and the laguerre polynomial , the eigenequations of one - dimensional harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom are conversed into the same equations in form . therefore the relationships between energy levels and wave functions of one - dimensional harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom are found . through the coordinates transform , the relationships between energy levels and wave functions of two - dimensional harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom are found 首先综述了谐振子与氢原子的基本理论的研究现状,并在此基础上对谐振子与氢原子的关系展开了研究,通过厄密特方程与拉盖尔方程的相互转化,将一维谐振子与一维氢原子的本征值方程转化为相同形式的方程,从而比较得出它们能量及波函数间的关系,并通过坐标变换将直角坐标系下二维氢原子的本征值方程转化成与曲线坐标系下二维谐振子的本征值方程相同的形式,从而得出二维氢原子与二维谐振子的能量及波函数的关系。