In order to calculate easily and do n ' t influence the single - chip microcomputer ' s calculate velocity , we put forward two scheme to deal with the numerical value , one is to use a simple function to close or approach a normal function f ( x ) ( mainly is lagrange ' s intepolation , newton ' s intepolation , hermite ' s intepolation , cubic spline interpolation , etc . ) the other one is function approach ( mainly is chebyshev ' s polynomic . legendre ' s polynomic , laguerre ' s polynomic , method of least squares , etc . ) , we analyze and compare the lagrange ' s intepolation and chebyshev ploynomic , at last , we select the chebyshev polynomic to do the value calculating on single - chip microcomputer 提出了数值处理的二种方案。即用简单函数近似或逼近一个一般函数f ( x ) (主要有拉格朗日插值、牛顿插值、埃尔米特插值、三次样条插值等)和函数逼近(主要有切比雪夫多项式、勒让德多项式、拉盖尔多项式、最小二乘法等) ,对上述两个方案中的典型函数?拉格朗日插值和切比雪夫多项式进行了分析比较,最后选取切比雪夫多项式完成单片机上的数值计算。