Live mainly on the fringes or within the kgalagadi desert 巴卡拉加迪族主要居住在卡拉哈迪沙漠的边缘地区或内部。
A new border crossing in southern africa lets visitors to the kgalagadi transfrontier park travel easily between south africa , namibia , and botswana 非洲南部新成立的跨国界卡拉哈迪公园,让游客可以更方便在南非、纳米比亚和波札那旅游。
The western region , covering the kgalagadi desert , is the driest part of the country with average annual mean rainfall less than 250mm in the extreme southwest 西部绵延着卡拉哈迪沙漠,是这个国家最干旱的地区,西南端的年平均降雨量不到250毫米。
The word " bakgalagadi " means " people of the great thirst land " and was given to different groups of people living on the fringes or within the kgalagadi desert 巴卡拉加迪"这个词的意思是"十分干渴的土地上的人民" ,住在卡拉哈迪沙漠边缘或内部的不同部族都被冠以此名。
The central kalahari game reserve and khutse game reserve make the kgalagadi game reserve complex , and is the third largest reserve in the world , covering an area of 52 , 800sq . km 卡拉哈里中部动物保护区和库策动物保护区组成卡拉哈迪动物保护综合区,是世界第三大保护区,面积52 800平方公里。