Live mainly on the fringes or within the kgalagadi desert 巴卡拉加迪族主要居住在卡拉哈迪沙漠的边缘地区或内部。
The western region , covering the kgalagadi desert , is the driest part of the country with average annual mean rainfall less than 250mm in the extreme southwest 西部绵延着卡拉哈迪沙漠,是这个国家最干旱的地区,西南端的年平均降雨量不到250毫米。
The word " bakgalagadi " means " people of the great thirst land " and was given to different groups of people living on the fringes or within the kgalagadi desert 巴卡拉加迪"这个词的意思是"十分干渴的土地上的人民" ,住在卡拉哈迪沙漠边缘或内部的不同部族都被冠以此名。