

  • litter
  • 担架:    stretcher; litter; hand fram ...
  • 杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a j ...
  • 废物:    waste matter
  • 担架:    stretcher; litter; hand frame◇担架队stretcher-team; 担架员 stretcher-bearer; 担架筐 litter
  • 杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; disorder; mussiness 桌子上的东西很杂乱。 the things on the table were all in a jumble


        担架:    stretcher; litter; hand fram ...
        杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a j ...
        废物:    waste matter
        担架:    stretcher; litter; hand frame◇担架队stretcher-team; 担架员 stretcher-bearer; 担架筐 litter
        杂乱:    mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; disorder; mussiness 桌子上的东西很杂乱。 the things on the table were all in a jumble
        担架兵:    stretcher-bearer
        担架车:    lcheelstretoher
        担架床:    stretcher
        担架队:    stretcher party; stretcher-party
        担架筐:    litter
        担架员:    stretcher bearer
        硬担架:    hard stretcher
        废物:    废物(无用的人) good-for-nothing 你真是废物 , 连这点事都不会干。what a good-for-nothing you are! you cannot take care of even such a trivial matter!
        到处, 杂乱:    all over the shop
        使杂乱:    shag
        喧闹;杂乱:    clutter
        杂乱dna:    promiscuous dna
        杂乱的:    cluttered; disordered; hugger-mugger; immethodical; indigested; littery; mussy; promiscuous; raggle-taggle; random; scrambled; tanglesome; thick; wild
        杂乱地:    hugger-mugger; intricately; mussily; promiscuously
        杂乱声:    fuzz
        杂乱性:    confusion
        担架队stretcher-team担架员:    stretcher bearer
        铲式担架:    scoostretcher shovel stretcher
        船用担架:    stretcher
        担架电梯:    stretcher lift


  1. "担纲选曲制作了电子舞曲杂锦双唱片"英文
  2. "担纲选曲制作了电子舞曲杂锦双唱片,分为"英文
  3. "担搁"英文
  4. "担箍"英文
  5. "担架"英文
  6. "担架兵"英文
  7. "担架车"英文
  8. "担架床"英文
  9. "担架电梯"英文
  10. "担架队"英文


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