Collins wordbank ' s online english corpus is composed of 56 million words of contemporary written and spoken text , this sampler allows you to draw information on linguist data for learning or research purposes 口林在线词汇库英文集由五千六百万个现代书写和口语文本中的词汇组成,这个抽样器可以为你学习或者研究提供语言数据。
Monte carlo is a method that approximately solves mathematic or physical problems by statistical sampling theory . when comes to bayesian classification , it firstly gets the conditional probability distribution of the unlabelled classes based on the known prior probability . then , it uses some kind of sampler to get the stochastic data that satisfy the distribution as noted just before one by one 蒙特卡罗是一种采用统计抽样理论近似求解数学或物理问题的方法,它在用于解决贝叶斯分类时,首先根据已知的先验概率获得各个类标号未知类的条件概率分布,然后利用某种抽样器,分别得到满足这些条件分布的随机数据,最后统计这些随机数据,就可以得到各个类标号未知类的后验概率分布。