One - sided control charts with variable sampling intervals 可变抽样区间的单边控制图
In this paper , i study above two issues and gain some results as follows : 1 . under population follow normal distribution hypothesis , designing combine median - range adaptive control charts with variable sampling interval , variable sample size and variable control limit . it may be regarded as previously median - range extension 在假设总体服从正态分布的条件下,设计了抽样区间,样本容量和控制限都变化的全变化参数的中位值-极差联合控制图。它是以前的中位值-极差联合动态控制图的推广。
In order to make up the capm model , a test of the conditional capm using the garch - m framework is conducted and existing research is extended by investigating the effect of intervals by conducting tests over different sampling frequencies . not only the garch - m model but also the conditional capm are supported for daily and weekly return intervals while greater support for the model is found in the daily return intervals 针对capm模型的不足之处,进一步应用garch - m框架下的ccapm模型进行实证研究,并通过日收益率和周收益率数据研究不同的抽样区间对模型验证的影响,得出沪市日收益率数据和周收益率数据都支持garch - m模型和ccapm模型,尤以日收益率数据显著支持的结论。