

[ bàotóushǔcuàn ] 发音:   "抱头鼠窜"的汉语解释   用"抱头鼠窜"造句
  • cover one's face and creep away; cover one's head and scurry away like a rat to its hole; flee [run] for one's life; flee in a panic; flee helter-skelter; flee like a mouse, covering one's head with one's sleeves; put one's hands over one's head and flee like a frightened rat; run off like a rat; run off, terrified, glad to escape with life; scurry [scamper] off like a frightened rat; skulk off; throw one's arms over one's head and run away; turned tail and fled for one's life


  1. As for courage, a moderate-sized cock-turkey had been known to put her to rout at the very first gobble .
  2. I would have just slinked away , bullied . you know ?
  3. Check this out ! heads up , you guys
  4. Defend against what ? the mexican army left there with their tail between their legs
  5. Of the four who had scaled the palisade , one only remained unaccounted for , and he , having left his cutlass on the field , was now clambering out again with the fear of death upon him


        打得某人抱头鼠窜:    send sb into the middle of next week
        鼠窜:    scamper off like a rat; scurry away like frightened rats
        抱头:    hand laced behind head
        抱头梁:    baotou beam
        抱头摔:    snapmare
        白头鼠鸟:    white-headed mousebird
        狼狈鼠窜:    flee in consternation [panic]
        蛇头鼠尾:    sneaky, crafty look
        蛇头鼠眼:    a snake's head and a rat's eyes; crafty; wily; cunning
        鼠窜而逃:    flee like rats -- abscond
        鼠窜介面:    gopher
        鼠窜狼奔:    run hither and thither like rats and wolves; run away in all directions
        异头鼠属:    heterocephalus
        獐头鼠目:    with the head of a buck and the eyes of a rat; contemptible ugly fellow; facial features suggesting cunning and meanness; repulsively ugly and sly-looking; the head of a musk deer and the eyes of a rat;rat- eyed and buck-headed
        抱头大哭:    cry in one another's arms; embrace and sob bitterly; fall upon one another's shoulders and weep
        抱头火丹:    erysipelas of the head; erysiplas of the head
        抱头痛哭:    cry on each other's shoulder
        抱头恸哭:    hold one's head and weep bitterly -- in deep distress; cry in one another's arms; embrace each other and cry bitterly; embrace one's head and wail [weep]; hang on sb.'s neck and weep out; the two people wept in each other's arms.; they fell upon each other's necks and mingled their tears together.; they fell upon each other's necks and wept.; they threw themselves into each other's arms and cried their hearts out.; wail sorrowfully
        王花虎抱头:    wave forearms and protect head
        仰卧两手抱头屈膝团身:    peak contraction double-up
        抱团儿:    hang togethergang upband together fit nicely
        抱腿:    crotch hold
        抱痛西河:    feel sorrow over the loss of one's son; mourn over the death of one's son; suffer the sorrow of losing one's son


        抱头鼠窜的法语:动 fuir comme un rat en se couvrant la tête;se sauver comme un rat
        抱头鼠窜的韩语:【성어】 머리를 감싸 쥐고 쥐처럼 도망치다; 매우 낭패하여 급히 도망치다. =[奉头鼠窜]
        抱头鼠窜的俄语:[bàotóu shǔcuàn] обр. бежать в панике; обратиться в бегство
        抱头鼠窜什么意思:bào tóu shǔ cuàn 【解释】抱着头,象老鼠那样惊慌逃跑。形容受到打击后狼狈逃跑。 【出处】《汉书·蒯通传》:“始常山王、成安君故相与为刎颈之交,及争张黡、陈释之事,常山王奉头鼠窜,以归汉王。” 【示例】敌人被我军主力打得溃不成军,~。 【拼音码】btsc 【灯谜面】抱(捂)着脑袋赶老鼠 【用法】连动式;含贬义,形容敌人的狼狈相 【英文】flee helter-skelter...


  1. "抱痛西河"英文
  2. "抱头"英文
  3. "抱头大哭"英文
  4. "抱头火丹"英文
  5. "抱头梁"英文
  6. "抱头摔"英文
  7. "抱头痛哭"英文
  8. "抱头恸哭"英文
  9. "抱团儿"英文
  10. "抱腿"英文


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