投资: put money in; invest有价证券: negotiable securities; secur ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...价格: price; tariff变动: change; alteration; oscillat ...投资有价证券清单: investment portfolio投资有价证券销售损益: loss and gain on disposal of invested securities有价证券的转让: assignment of negotiable securities; transfer of portfolio有价证券投资: investment in securities; portfolio investment; securities investment国外有价证券投资: portfolio foreign investment笼统有价证券投资: portfolio investment双边有价证券投资: bilateral portfolio investment保证市场有价证券的发行: underwrite an issue股票等有价证券的经纪人: note broker经营有价证券的分行: securities affiliate证券,有价证券: securities原材料和物料的价格变动: fluctuations in prices of raw materials and supplies最高价格, 有价证券最高行市: maximum price外国直接和有价证券投资: foreign direct and portfolio investment有价证券投资会计和报告: accounting and reporting for investments in marketing securities; accountingandreportingforinvestmentsinmarketablesecurities; accountingandreportingforinvestmentsinmarketingsecurities差价〔有价证券: basic wage; basis借有价证券: borrowed security; securities borrowed有价证券: negotiable securities; securities有价证券法: securities law有价证券税: negotiable note tax