

  • capital allowances


        投资:    put money in; invest
        优惠:    preferential; favourable
        扣除:    deduct; take off
        外商投资优惠政策:    conce ion for foreign investment; concession for foreign investment
        嫁资优惠制:    favor dotium; favordotium
        投资优待:    investment incentive
        投资优视网:    uusee
        投资优待;投资奖励:    investment incentive
        项目投资优度指标:    dmoi
        资优:    intellectual giftedness
        优惠投资税:    preferential taxation of capital
        扣除:    deduct; take off 从帐目中扣除一项 deduct an item from an account; 扣除非生产性开支的百分之十 take ten percent off the nonproductive expenses; 扣除物价上涨因素 allowing for price rises; 扣除赤字 offsetting the deficit; 扣除量 tare; 扣除预支 deduct prepayment
        假资优:    pseudo giftedness; pseudogiftednesss
        资优班:    elite class
        优惠:    [经] preferential; favourable 按优惠条件提供的经济援助 economic assistance given on liberal terms; 优惠办法 preferential measure; 优惠贷款 concessional loan; loan on favourable terms; 优惠贷款率 favoured rate of credit; 优惠待遇 liberal wages and benefits; excellent pay and conditions; preferential treatment; 优惠关税 preferential duties; 优惠关税协定 preferential tariff agreement; 优惠国 favored nation; 优惠汇率 preferential rate (of exchange); 优惠价格 favourable prices; preferential prices; concessional rate; 优惠减税额 preferential tariff cut; 优惠利率 preferential interest rate; prime rate of interest; 优惠期 days of grace; grace period; 优惠权 preferential rights; 优惠税 preferential duty; 优惠税率 beneficial tariff; 优惠条件 soft terms; concesssional terms; preferential terms; 优惠条款 preferential clause; 优惠销售 concessional sale; 优惠政策 preferential policy; preferential measures; 优惠证 accommodation paper
        扣除量,扣除:    deduction n. amount taken away
        扣除;扣减;扣除额;扣除项目:    deduction
        剪断,扣除:    dock
        减除,扣除:    deduction
        可扣除:    deductible
        扣除,减除:    deduct
        扣除,减去:    deduct v. take away (an amount, a part) from a total; deduction
        扣除的:    deduction
        扣除额:    dedoublement; itemized deduction; standard deduction; unlimited marital deduction
        扣除法:    deduction method; method of residues; subtractive process


  1. "投资银行业务"英文
  2. "投资应计收入"英文
  3. "投资应收款项"英文
  4. "投资优待"英文
  5. "投资优待;投资奖励"英文
  6. "投资优视网"英文
  7. "投资有道"英文
  8. "投资有价证券的价格变动"英文
  9. "投资有价证券清单"英文
  10. "投资有价证券销售损益"英文


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