This is a summary account of the meeting . 这是会议扼要的记录。
The asilomar organizing committee stayed up most of the night of february 26, writing a summary statement . 阿西洛马组织委员会的成员们在2月26日几乎彻夜不眠地写了一个扼要的声明。
This is the simplest description of her character which, although by no means without liberal motions, rarely succeeded in giving an impression of suavity . 这是对她的性格最扼要的说明,这种性格虽然不能说毫无仁慈可言,但很难给人以温柔的感觉。
An abbreviated list , as of contents ; a synopsis 简表一个扼要的(如内容的)条目;大纲
Explanation facility provides precise answers for users 解释部分对系统的一些问题给出扼要的回答。
扼要: to the point的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...扼要的, 简明的: compendious扼要的,简洁的: succinct简明扼要的: concise brief说到要点,扼要的说: come to the point扼要: (抓住要点) to the point 扼要说明 explain the main points briefly; 简明扼要 brief and to the point一份非常简明扼要的报告: a remarkable concise report以扼要的重述结束了报告: sum uthe day's news concluded the lecture by summing up简述对(材料)作扼要的总述;作概括说明: sum up概括了当天的新闻;以扼要的重述结束了报告: sum uthe day's news; concluded the lecture by summing up使扼要: contented以扼要: sum uthe days news concluded the lecture by summing up中肯, 扼要: to the point中肯,扼要: to the point扼要表达: essentialize扼要地说: come to the point; in sum; in the summary; resume扼要复述: recapitulation扼要更新: memo update扼要归纳: compress扼要简化: sum扼要说明: recap扼要重述: recapitulaion简单扼要: brief and to the point简单扼要地: briefly; in brief