

发音:   用"扼要归纳"造句
  • compress
  • 扼要:    to the point
  • 归纳:    induce; conclude; sum up; in ...
  • 扼要:    (抓住要点) to the point 扼要说明 explain the main points briefly; 简明扼要 brief and to the point
  • 归纳:    induce; conclude; sum up; induction 归纳大家的意见 sum up everybody's opinions; 归纳出几个问题 sum up in several questions; 递减归纳 descending induction; 统计归纳 statistical induction; 由 ... 归纳出来 make a induction from ...; 从事实中归纳出结论 generalize a conclusion from facts; 请把这篇文章的大意归纳一下。 will you please sum up the main ideas of this article? 上述各种考虑可以用几句话来归纳一下。 the foregoing considerations may be concluded in a few words. 所有归纳推理都是一种猜测。 every induction is a speculation.; 归纳法 induction; method of induction; inductive method; 归纳假设 inductive assumption; inductive hypothesis; 归纳论证 inductive demonstration of argumentation; 归纳逻辑 inductive logic; 归纳思维 inductive thought; 归纳推理 inductive inference; inductive reasoning; 归纳原理 induction principle; 归纳证明 proof by induction
  • 扼要的:    compendious; concise; condensed; summary; tabloid; to the point


  1. The end briefly summarizes the main views of the author based on the researching achievements


        扼要:    to the point
        归纳:    induce; conclude; sum up; in ...
        扼要:    (抓住要点) to the point 扼要说明 explain the main points briefly; 简明扼要 brief and to the point
        归纳:    induce; conclude; sum up; induction 归纳大家的意见 sum up everybody's opinions; 归纳出几个问题 sum up in several questions; 递减归纳 descending induction; 统计归纳 statistical induction; 由 ... 归纳出来 make a induction from ...; 从事实中归纳出结论 generalize a conclusion from facts; 请把这篇文章的大意归纳一下。 will you please sum up the main ideas of this article? 上述各种考虑可以用几句话来归纳一下。 the foregoing considerations may be concluded in a few words. 所有归纳推理都是一种猜测。 every induction is a speculation.; 归纳法 induction; method of induction; inductive method; 归纳假设 inductive assumption; inductive hypothesis; 归纳论证 inductive demonstration of argumentation; 归纳逻辑 inductive logic; 归纳思维 inductive thought; 归纳推理 inductive inference; inductive reasoning; 归纳原理 induction principle; 归纳证明 proof by induction
        扼要的:    compendious; concise; condensed; summary; tabloid; to the point
        使扼要:    contented
        以扼要:    sum uthe days news concluded the lecture by summing up
        中肯, 扼要:    to the point
        中肯,扼要:    to the point
        想要归属这儿:    wanted to belong here
        扼要表达:    essentialize
        扼要的, 简明的:    compendious
        扼要的,简洁的:    succinct
        扼要地说:    come to the point; in sum; in the summary; resume
        扼要复述:    recapitulation
        扼要更新:    memo update
        扼要简化:    sum
        扼要说明:    recap
        扼要重述:    recapitulaion
        简单扼要:    brief and to the point
        简单扼要地:    briefly; in brief
        简短扼要:    brief and to the point
        简明扼要:    be concise and to the point; brief [short] and to the point; terse and concise 一份非常简明扼要的报告 a remarkable concise report; 这部词典里的释义简明扼要。 the explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point
        简明扼要的:    concise brief
        中肯,贴题,扼要:    to the point


  1. "扼要的, 简明的"英文
  2. "扼要的,简洁的"英文
  3. "扼要地说"英文
  4. "扼要复述"英文
  5. "扼要更新"英文
  6. "扼要简化"英文
  7. "扼要说明"英文
  8. "扼要重述"英文
  9. "扼止"英文
  10. "扼止区域"英文


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