- torsion failure
- 扭转: turn round; turn about
- 损坏: damage; breakdown; injure; s ...
- 弯曲扭转损坏: flexion-torsion failure
- 损坏: damage; breakdown; injure; spoil; break; spoilage; failing; failure; conkout; dysfunction; worsement out of order; vitiate 损坏财物 damage to property; 损坏名声 damage one's good name; 如有损坏, 照价赔偿 pay the full price for anything damaged; 他们拒绝收损坏的货物。 they rejected the damaged goods.; 损坏程度 damaged condition; 损坏调查 damage survey; 损坏率 spoilage; 损坏阈 damage threshold; 损坏原因 source of damage; 损坏者 blemisher
- 扭转: 1.(掉转) turn round; turn about 他扭转身子, 向车间走去。 he turned round and headed for the workshop.2.(纠正; 改变) turn back; reverse; remedy 扭转经济效益差的状况 remedy poor economic returns; 扭转企业亏损 eliminate enterprise losses; 扭转局势 turn the tide; reverse a trend; 扭转被动局面 put an end to a passive state of affairs; regain the initiative3.torsion; torsioning; twist; cockling; torsional deflection; distortion; twisting