

发音:   用"热损坏"造句
  • thermal distress
  • 损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; s ...
  • 热损:    heat waste
  • 热损耗;热损失:    thermosteresis
  • 损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; spoil; break; spoilage; failing; failure; conkout; dysfunction; worsement out of order; vitiate 损坏财物 damage to property; 损坏名声 damage one's good name; 如有损坏, 照价赔偿 pay the full price for anything damaged; 他们拒绝收损坏的货物。 they rejected the damaged goods.; 损坏程度 damaged condition; 损坏调查 damage survey; 损坏率 spoilage; 损坏阈 damage threshold; 损坏原因 source of damage; 损坏者 blemisher
  • 热损害:    heat damage; heat-damage; pyrolytic damage


  1. Standard test method for thermal failure of solid electrical insulating materials under electric stress


        损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; s ...
        热损:    heat waste
        热损耗;热损失:    thermosteresis
        损坏:    damage; breakdown; injure; spoil; break; spoilage; failing; failure; conkout; dysfunction; worsement out of order; vitiate 损坏财物 damage to property; 损坏名声 damage one's good name; 如有损坏, 照价赔偿 pay the full price for anything damaged; 他们拒绝收损坏的货物。 they rejected the damaged goods.; 损坏程度 damaged condition; 损坏调查 damage survey; 损坏率 spoilage; 损坏阈 damage threshold; 损坏原因 source of damage; 损坏者 blemisher
        热损害:    heat damage; heat-damage; pyrolytic damage
        热损耗:    heat dissipation; waste of heat
        热损伤:    heat-induced damage; hrc; temperature damage; thermal damage
        热损失:    calorific losses; egress of heat; heat expense; heat losses; heat waste; heatlo; loss of heat; thermal losses; thermosteresis
        传导热损耗:    conduction heat loss; conductive heat loss
        传导热损失:    conduction losses
        传热损失:    heat tra fer lo; heat transfer loss
        导热损失:    conductive heat loss; loss
        冬季热损失:    winter heat loss
        发热损失:    heat producing losses
        废气热损失:    waste heat rejection
        废热损耗:    waste heat losses
        废热损失:    waste heat loss; waste-heat loss; waste-heat rejection
        辐射热损耗:    radiant heat loss
        辐射热损失:    radiant heat loss; radiation heat losses
        汗湿与热损:    sweat and heat damage
        核热损伤:    nuclear heat damage
        加热损失:    heating loss; loss of heating; loss on heating
        净热损失:    net loss of heat
        冒火热损失:    sting-out losses
        排气热损失:    exhaust heat loss; waste-heat rejection


  1. "热损害"英文
  2. "热损耗"英文
  3. "热损耗,失热"英文
  4. "热损耗;热损失"英文
  5. "热损耗接缝"英文
  6. "热损墙面"英文
  7. "热损伤"英文
  8. "热损失"英文
  9. "热损失;散失的热量"英文
  10. "热损失百分数"英文


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