扩展: expand; extend; spread; deve ...业务: vocational work; professiona ...扩展业务帧: extended service frame发展业务: development business发展业务股: development business unit开展业务: conduct business; do business拓展业务: branch out; extending business发展业务活动股: operational activities for development unit发展业务网络版: development business online展业: prospecting扩展新业务: acquisition of new business发展业务执行委员会: executive committee on development operations扩展港口业务: port marketing扩展区域业务: extended area service发展业务活动个案研究信托基金: trust fund on cases studies for operational activities for development金融业务扩展部分: xfs陈展业: jason chan会展业: conference and exhibition industry展业费: acquisition cost朱展业: jaan-yeh ju扩展: expand; extend; spread; develop; expansion; extension; dilatation; broadening; stretching 用类推法扩展词义 extend the meaning of a word by analogy; 这个工厂的地界扩展到河边。 this factory expands to the riverside. 他的势力扩展到海外。 his power extends beyond the seas其范围扩展到了对客户专线业务: cpls业务: vocational work; professional work; business; service; traffic; transaction 政治与业务 politics and profession; politics and vocational work; 正常业务 normal business; 业务班子 setups in administrative and professional work; 钻研业务 study diligently one's profession 服装设计师杨展业: terence yong国际设计业和发展业公司: international planners & developers ltd