开展: develop; launch; unfold; pro ...业务: vocational work; professiona ...发展业务: development business发展业务股: development business unit扩展业务: activate business; expansion of business扩展业务帧: extended service frame拓展业务: branch out; extending business发展业务活动股: operational activities for development unit发展业务网络版: development business online展业: prospecting发展业务执行委员会: executive committee on development operations开展: 1.(使展开) develop; launch; unfold; promote; carry out 开展课外活动 develop extracurricular activities; 开展批评和自我批评 carry out [conduct] criticism and self-criticism; 开展城乡交流 develop rural-urban trade; promote rural-urban trade; 开展协商对话活动 carry out consultations and dialogues; 这次会议讨论了如何开展这种新产品的推销工作。 the meeting discussed how to promote this latest product.2.(开朗; 开豁) open-minded; politically progressive发展业务活动个案研究信托基金: trust fund on cases studies for operational activities for development陈展业: jason chan会展业: conference and exhibition industry展业费: acquisition cost朱展业: jaan-yeh ju开展与审计业务客户的初步沟通: initiate preliminary communication with engagement client增加营收而这一新业务开展就需要: gsm公司准备开展新的业务以充分利用现有的: m-com开展,进行: wage v. carry on, engage in (war, a compaign)开展,执行: carry out开展;放出: evolve开展的: expanding; expansive; patent开展式: position ouverte