扑通: flop; thump; splash; pit-a-p ...地: the earth一: one声: sound; voice扑通地: plop扑通地落下: flop扑通一声: bump; the crash of dishes being dropped扑通一声地: plop轰地一声: slam-bang拍地一声打: thwack砰地一声: slamdung; with a slam平地一声雷: a sudden clap of thunder; a bolt from the blue; an unexpected happy event; a sudden big change, e.g. a sudden rise in fame and position扑通一声坐下: plodown on她的心扑通扑通地跳: her heart went pit a pat啪地一声打开: crack open扑通一声,掉进水里: fall into the water with a splashfall into the water with a plump扑通一声,跌倒在地上: fall with a flop on the ground扑通一声掉进水里: fall into the water with a plump轰地一声撞向某物: storm门乓地一声关上了: the door banged shut门吱地一声开了: the door creaked open啪地一声合上书: shut a book with a clap砰地一声关上, 爆炸: go bang砰然, 轰地一声, 鲁莽地: slam-bang扑通一声跌倒在地上: fall with a flop on the ground