

发音:   用"成品粒度"造句
  • final product size
  • 粒度:    mesh size; granularity; size ...
  • 筛下产品粒度分布:    undersize distribution
  • 成品上限粒度:    product top size
  • 铁合金产品粒度的取样和检测方法:    ferroalloys - sampling and testing methods for determination of grain size
  • 粒度:    mesh size (of flux); granularity; size; grain; fineness; class; grading; grain fineness; grain size◇粒度比(例) fineness ratio; 粒度测定 granulometry; 粒度分级 [化学] grading; size-grading; 粒度分类 [地质学] grain-size classification; 粒度分析 grading analysis; 粒度分析器 particle size analyzer; 粒度计 hondrometer; 粒度平均值 particle size average; 粒度组成 grading


  1. Raymond grinder fineness of product
  2. The series equipment versatillty , its performance had achieved the international advanced level , is at present is most effective , the practical reliable crushed stone machine , is suitable specially for the manufacture grinding compound , fireproof the matreial , the cement , the quartz sand , the emery , the stove are cut broken glass the power , the copper ore , the concrete aggregate and so on many kinds of , the crisp materials on the control granulated substance machine energy conserva tion 50 % , is in the present world system qranulated substance equipment
  3. China henan heavy industrial factory crushing and screening machines are reasonable combined with different crushers and have compacted special crossing distribution in their material processing flow design , so that they are small footprinted of fields , high quality in crushed products , low in quarry dust and they will give you high reward for your investment . their advanced electric control panel can assure the whole process discharge smoothly , runing reliable , operation easily and high efficiency in power consumption . we - sjlc can meet customers different needs for material crushing and screening
    砂石料破碎生产线生产能力从5 - 500t h ,成品粒度和产量可根据用户的不同需要进行组合及配置,可以生产石英砂建筑中的粗中细砂各种规格石子: 0 . 5 - 1 1 - 2 1 - 3 2 - 4 4 - 6 4 - 8等规格,可以破碎铁矿石铝矿石青石石灰石花岗岩大理石玄武岩鹅卵石山石河石各种矿石渣玻璃硅石等。
  4. The fine powder flows into the product cyclone collector together with air flow and is expelled from the powder output pipe as product . raymond grinder . in the grinding chamber , since the stuff contains moisture to some extent , raymond grinder the heat generated during grinding makes the moisture evaporated ; since the pipeline joints are not airtight , raymond grinder the external air is sucked in and the circulation air mass increased , in order to enable the grinder to work in negative pressures , raymond grinder the increased air flow is guided to the deduster and sepuentially to the atmosphere after purification . raymond grinder . raymond grinder function tehnical datum
    雷蒙磨粉机-本机适用于粉碎重晶石石灰石陶瓷矿渣等莫氏硬度不大于9 . 3级,湿度在以下的非易燃易爆的矿业冶金化工建材等行业280多余种物料的高细制粉加工如:各种矿石化工原料等,雷蒙磨粉机成品粒度60 425目范围内根据需要任意调节雷蒙磨粉机最细1000目。


        粒度:    mesh size; granularity; size ...
        筛下产品粒度分布:    undersize distribution
        成品上限粒度:    product top size
        铁合金产品粒度的取样和检测方法:    ferroalloys - sampling and testing methods for determination of grain size
        粒度:    mesh size (of flux); granularity; size; grain; fineness; class; grading; grain fineness; grain size◇粒度比(例) fineness ratio; 粒度测定 granulometry; 粒度分级 [化学] grading; size-grading; 粒度分类 [地质学] grain-size classification; 粒度分析 grading analysis; 粒度分析器 particle size analyzer; 粒度计 hondrometer; 粒度平均值 particle size average; 粒度组成 grading
        成品:    complete product; completed product; end items; end product; final end-product; final endpoint; final goods; final product; finish product; finished board; finished goods; finished item; finished materials; finished products; finished stock; finishes; hardware; job; made-up articles; off-the shelf item; ready commodity; ready-made articles; turnoff; yield
        样品粒级:    sample fraction
        成品,制成品:    finished goods
        制成品, 产成品:    finished goods
        制成品,产成品:    manufactured goods, finished goods
        比粒度:    specific grain size
        槽粒度:    groove
        粗粒度:    coar e; coarse particle size; coarse-grained; coarseparticlesize; coarsness
        大粒度:    coarse grain
        晶粒度:    coarseness of grain; grain fineness number; grain size
        颗粒度:    graininess; granularity; particle count; size
        粒度(铸砂):    finess number
        粒度;粒径:    particle-size
        粒度;粒性:    graininess
        粒度;筛孔:    mesh size
        粒度比:    fineness ratio; size ratio; size scale
        粒度级:    cut; particle size fraction; particle-size fraction; particlesizefraction
        粒度计:    granulometer; grind gage; grind gauge; grind meter; hondrometer; hondrometre
        粒度矩:    grains-size moment
        粒度曲:    grain size frequency curve


  1. "成品宽,切边后宽度"英文
  2. "成品筐架"英文
  3. "成品筐架 成品收集筐"英文
  4. "成品蜡"英文
  5. "成品冷藏库"英文
  6. "成品粮"英文
  7. "成品量,产量"英文
  8. "成品料仓"英文
  9. "成品料储存系统"英文
  10. "成品料提升机"英文


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