- final product size
- 粒度: mesh size; granularity; size ...
- 筛下产品粒度分布: undersize distribution
- 成品上限粒度: product top size
- 铁合金产品粒度的取样和检测方法: ferroalloys - sampling and testing methods for determination of grain size
- 粒度: mesh size (of flux); granularity; size; grain; fineness; class; grading; grain fineness; grain size◇粒度比(例) fineness ratio; 粒度测定 granulometry; 粒度分级 [化学] grading; size-grading; 粒度分类 [地质学] grain-size classification; 粒度分析 grading analysis; 粒度分析器 particle size analyzer; 粒度计 hondrometer; 粒度平均值 particle size average; 粒度组成 grading