

发音:   用"粒度比"造句


  1. Cas provides similar functionality to the myproxy service in that it returns a gsi - based credential to the portal or other client when presented with an appropriate username password combination , but it enables more fine - grain authorization than the standard myproxy credentials


        粒度:    mesh size; granularity; size ...
        :    2
        粒度比测器:    grain-size comparator
        砂砾粒度比:    gravel-to-sand ratio
        地层砂与砾石粒度比:    formation-to-gravel size ratio
        小于节孔半径的粒度比:    half-size ratio
        度比:    roundness
        粒度:    mesh size (of flux); granularity; size; grain; fineness; class; grading; grain fineness; grain size◇粒度比(例) fineness ratio; 粒度测定 granulometry; 粒度分级 [化学] grading; size-grading; 粒度分类 [地质学] grain-size classification; 粒度分析 grading analysis; 粒度分析器 particle size analyzer; 粒度计 hondrometer; 粒度平均值 particle size average; 粒度组成 grading
        标度比:    division ratio; scale ratio
        长度比:    length breadth ratio
        尺度比:    linear ratio; proportion of principal dimensions
        粗度比:    roughness ratio
        丰度比:    abundance ratio; ratio of abundance; relative abundance
        幅度比:    amplitude ratio; pcnt
        盖度比:    cover ratio
        刚度比:    ratio of rigidity; stiffness ratio
        拱度比:    camber ratio
        厚度比:    thickness ratio
        弧度比:    camber ratio; cambered ratio
        辉度比:    luminance ratio
        活度比:    activity quotient; activity ratio
        劲度比:    stiffness ratio
        精度比:    ratio of precision
        空度比:    reciprocal of duty cycle
        宽度比:    beam ratio



  1. "粒度;粒径"英文
  2. "粒度;粒性"英文
  3. "粒度;粒子大小"英文
  4. "粒度;筛孔"英文
  5. "粒度百分位数"英文
  6. "粒度比测器"英文
  7. "粒度变化"英文
  8. "粒度变异"英文
  9. "粒度标数"英文
  10. "粒度参数"英文


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