成: accomplish; succeed佛: the Buddha成佛道: bodha本来成佛: all things being of buddha become buddha成佛得脱: to become buddha and obtain deliverance成佛之路: the life of buddha断屠成佛: stop the slaughter of animals and become a buddha放刀成佛: drop the knife and become a buddha即身成佛: sokushin jōbutsu立地成佛: become a buddha immediately圆顿成佛论: perfect and sudden attainment of buddhahood学佛一定成佛: by learning to be a buddha one will become a buddha放下屠刀,立地成佛: The butcher who lays down his knife at once becomes a Buddha.A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver.A wrongdoer achieves salvation as soon as he gives up evil.drop the butcher's knife and immediately become a Buddhathrow away one's butcher knife and become a Buddha放下屠刀立地成佛: drop the butcher's knife and immediately become a buddha毗卢遮那成佛神变加持经: tr. in the tang dynasty by ubhākarasiha成凤: cheng feng成风: become a common practice; become the order of the day 厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。 co-ordination and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day成峰: narimine成夫: masao; naruo; shigeo成封建制度: feudalize成幅的薄片: a sheet of成丰实业有限公司: chevron enterprise, ltd