- sleeping dogs lie
- 别惹是非: sleeping dogs lie
- 不惹是非: stay out of trouble.; let sleeping dogs lie
- 莫惹是非: let the sleeping dog lie
- 招惹是非: bring trouble on oneself; cause misunderstanding; find oneself in trouble; make mischief; provoke dispute; put one's head into a horney's nest; stir up trouble [misunderstanding; ill will]; wake a sleeping dog
- 是非: 1.(事理的正确与错误) right and wrong 是非问题 a matter of right and wrong; 明辨是非 distinguish clearly between right and wrong2.(口舌) quarrel; dispute 搬弄是非 tell tales; sow discord; 惹起是非 stir up trouble; provoke a dispute; “是非” 决策 yes-no decision; 是非题 true and false; 是非问句 [语言学] yes-no question; yes-or-no question