

[ rěshìfēi ] 发音:   "惹是非"的汉语解释   用"惹是非"造句
  • sleeping dogs lie
  • 别惹是非:    sleeping dogs lie
  • 不惹是非:    stay out of trouble.; let sleeping dogs lie
  • 莫惹是非:    let the sleeping dog lie
  • 招惹是非:    bring trouble on oneself; cause misunderstanding; find oneself in trouble; make mischief; provoke dispute; put one's head into a horney's nest; stir up trouble [misunderstanding; ill will]; wake a sleeping dog
  • 是非:    1.(事理的正确与错误) right and wrong 是非问题 a matter of right and wrong; 明辨是非 distinguish clearly between right and wrong2.(口舌) quarrel; dispute 搬弄是非 tell tales; sow discord; 惹起是非 stir up trouble; provoke a dispute; “是非” 决策 yes-no decision; 是非题 true and false; 是非问句 [语言学] yes-no question; yes-or-no question


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  1. He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, "let sleeping dogs lie. "
  2. Maybe you should go home . let sleeping dogs lie
  3. Don ‘ t tell others . let sleeping dogs lie
  4. What you do not want done to yourself , do not do to others
  5. The newly released inmates are trying to keep their noses clean


        别惹是非:    sleeping dogs lie
        不惹是非:    stay out of trouble.; let sleeping dogs lie
        莫惹是非:    let the sleeping dog lie
        招惹是非:    bring trouble on oneself; cause misunderstanding; find oneself in trouble; make mischief; provoke dispute; put one's head into a horney's nest; stir up trouble [misunderstanding; ill will]; wake a sleeping dog
        是非:    1.(事理的正确与错误) right and wrong 是非问题 a matter of right and wrong; 明辨是非 distinguish clearly between right and wrong2.(口舌) quarrel; dispute 搬弄是非 tell tales; sow discord; 惹起是非 stir up trouble; provoke a dispute; “是非” 决策 yes-no decision; 是非题 true and false; 是非问句 [语言学] yes-no question; yes-or-no question
        别惹是生非:    keeone's nose clean
        惹是生非:    cause trouble; make trouble; stir up trouble; wake a sleeping dog
        勿惹是生非:    let sleeping dogs lie
        切莫惹是生非:    let sleeping dogs lie
        是非法:    right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method
        是非感:    moral sense
        是非题:    multiple subjects; true false item; true- false (question); truefalse itemm; true??false item
        到处惹是生非的:    badass
        一伙惹是生非的人:    group of people who aer typically troublesome
        爱搬弄是非:    talebearing
        搬弄是非:    stir up enmity; carry [tell] tales; make mischief (between); sow discord; talebearing [bearing tales]: 他不该在同志们之间搬弄是非。 he shouldn't have carried tales among his comrades
        搬弄是非者:    taleteller; talebearer; tattletale; telltale
        办别是非说:    rihgt and wrong test
        辨别是非:    distinguish [differentiate; discriminate] between right and wrong
        辨明是非:    distinguish between right and wrong
        播弄是非:    spread rumors and cause trouble; grossly pervert the truth; sow discord; spread unfounded rumors; stir things up; stir up enmity; stir up trouble by gossip [rumors]
        拨弄是非:    stir things up manipulate
        不辨是非:    fail to make a distinction between right and wrong
        不分是非:    fail to distinguish right from wrong; confuse truth and falsehood
        惹事生非:    be meddlesome; commit misdemeanor; incur unnecessary trouble; make mischief [trouble]; provoke [cause] a dispute [mischief]; rock the boat; start trouble when things are quiet; stir up [cause] trouble; stir up ill will [misunderstanding]; wake a sleeping dog
        惹是生非的人;闹事者,捣乱者。:    trouble-maker



  1. "惹人注目"英文
  2. "惹人注意"英文
  3. "惹上麻烦"英文
  4. "惹事"英文
  5. "惹事生非"英文
  6. "惹是生非"英文
  7. "惹是生非的人;闹事者,捣乱者。"英文
  8. "惹斯蟾蜍精"英文
  9. "惹汤,皮埃尔"英文
  10. "惹亭"英文


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