But this group did not always produce the index of leading economic indicators 但是并不总是由这个组织发布先行性指标总指数。
One thing that helps economists predict the future is the index of leading economic indicators 先行型经济指标总指数是用来帮助经济学家预测未来经济的一项工具。
Firms could get nondimensional indexes through weighted indexes , which reflect the development of informationization 企业信息化基本指标可以根据指标加权获得无量纲化总指数,反映企业信息化基本发展状况。
总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...指数: index number; index物价总指数: general price index总指数〔消费物价指数: all-items index国家信息化总指数: niq零售价格总指数: general index of retail prices零售物价总指数: general price index of retail sales; general retail price index商品价格的总指数: aggregate index of commodity prices先行性指标总指数: index of leading indicators居民消费价格总指数: cpi全社会零售物价总指数: society-wide general retail price index; society-widegeneralretailpriceindex社会零售物价总指数: general retail price index; total volume of retail sales生活费用价格总指数: total price index of living costs年我国国家信息化水平总指数: niq年中国国家信息化水平总指数: niq总指标: overall performance总指挥: 1.(指军队的) commander in chief2.(其它方面的) general director◇总指挥部 general headquarters工程总指挥: chief commander of china's lunar orbiter project; chief commander of china’s lunar orbiter project灭火总指挥: fire boss扑火总指挥: fire boss前敌总指挥: frontline commander in chief总指动脉: common digital artery总指挥部: general headquarters总指挥官: general officer commanding总指示灯: master pilot lamp