

[ xīnjīngròutiào ] 发音:   "心惊肉跳"的汉语解释   用"心惊肉跳"造句
  • shudder with fear; be jumpy; be terribly frightened; be filled with apprehension; feel nervous and creepy; have a moment of panic; heart beating and flesh shaking -- terrified; heebie-jeebies; have the jitters; make one's flesh creep; nerve-racking; palpitate with anxiety and fear; shake in one's boots; tremble with fear
  • 使某人心惊肉跳:    give sb the jumps
  • 我心惊肉跳得厉害:    i knew that something was going to happen and i was very jumpy
  • 下面看的人悬心吊胆心惊肉跳:    the people watching below are tense and trembling with their hearts in their mouths
  • 肉跳心惊:    shudder wiht fear; be filled with fear; be on tenderhook
  • 心惊肉颤:    be nervous and feel creepy and shivery; cannot repress a shudder; feel nervous and shudder from time to time; be filled with anxiety and fear; lose one's nerve; make the flesh creep; be mortally afraid; palpitate with anxiety and fear; shiver in one's boots [shoes]; shudder with fear


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The mere sight of snakes makes my flesh creep .
  2. The sight of physical suffering always upsets me .
  3. I jumped in my skin for terror .
  4. As for this palace of yours, it gives me the creep .
  5. Ruth listened and started nervously at every passing footstep .


        使某人心惊肉跳:    give sb the jumps
        我心惊肉跳得厉害:    i knew that something was going to happen and i was very jumpy
        下面看的人悬心吊胆心惊肉跳:    the people watching below are tense and trembling with their hearts in their mouths
        肉跳心惊:    shudder wiht fear; be filled with fear; be on tenderhook
        心惊肉颤:    be nervous and feel creepy and shivery; cannot repress a shudder; feel nervous and shudder from time to time; be filled with anxiety and fear; lose one's nerve; make the flesh creep; be mortally afraid; palpitate with anxiety and fear; shiver in one's boots [shoes]; shudder with fear
        心惊:    cardiac terror
        胆颤心惊:    strike terror into the heart of ...; one's heart beats with fear.; tremble with fright [fear]
        胆破心惊:    trilogy of terror ii
        胆战心惊:    tremble with fear [fright]; shake [shiver] in one's boots; be all of a jump; be thrown into panic; chilled with fear; nervous and jumpy; panic-stricken; panic-struck; be terror-stricken 使人胆战心惊 strike terror into sb.; be terrifying; 轰炸使他们胆战心惊。 the bombing attack struck fear into their hearts
        胆战心惊的:    funky
        肉颤心惊:    feel nervous and creepy
        心惊胆裂:    be so frightened that one's galls burst; utterly demoralized with fear
        心惊胆怕:    be filled with apprehension; feel alarmed; be in a state of anxiety
        心惊胆战:    heart startling and gallbladder trembling -- be deeply [greatly] alarmed; be panic-stricken; be in great trepidation; be all of a jump; make one's blood curdle; shake with fright; shudder with terror; strike terror into the heart of; tremble [quake] with fear [fright; terror]
        心惊胆战地:    all of a jump
        眼跳心惊:    eyes leaping and heart trembling -- nervous apprehension
        使人胆战心惊:    strike terror into sb
        月光光心惊慌:    in the cold light of day
        胆战心惊的, 吓坏的:    terror-struck
        胆战心惊的鳄梨树:    the funky avocado
        天降横财心惊惊:    the bird of prey
        轰炸使他们胆战心惊:    the bombing attack struck fear into their hearts
        令人发毛的,令人胆战心惊的:    hairy
        令人心惊胆颤的相撞事故:    a horrific crash murder
        心经:    heart channel; heart sutra
        心经失血:    hemorrhage from heart meridian


        心惊肉跳的法语:le cœur saisi d'épouvante fait frémir tout le corps.
        心惊肉跳的俄语:[xīnjīng ròutiào] обр. перепугаться до смерти; поджилки трясутся; дрожать от страха
        心惊肉跳什么意思:xīn jīng ròu tiào 【解释】形容担心灾祸临头,恐慌不安。 【示例】这次考试没考好,他整日~,仿佛要有大祸临头似的。 【拼音码】xjrt 【灯谜面】一锥子扎在身上;肚脐眼安雷管抽搐 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、补语;形容人极度惊惧恐慌 【英文】heebie-jeebies


  1. "心惊胆裂"英文
  2. "心惊胆怕"英文
  3. "心惊胆战"英文
  4. "心惊胆战地"英文
  5. "心惊肉颤"英文
  6. "心经"英文
  7. "心经失血"英文
  8. "心经有热"英文
  9. "心静"英文
  10. "心静脉"英文


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