



        :    the heart
        代偿失调:    decompensation
        心代偿失调 心脏代偿失调:    cardiacdecompensation
        肝代偿失调:    liver decompensation
        心性代偿失调:    cardiac decompensation
        心脏代偿失调:    cardiac decompensation
        循环代偿失调:    circulation decompensation
        角膜内皮代偿失调:    decompensation of corneal endothelium
        代偿失调代偿机能障碍:    decompe ation; decompensation
        飞行代偿失调综合征:    flying decompensation syndrome
        心代偿机能:    cardiac compensation
        代偿:    compensatory◇代偿服 [航天] pressure compensating suit; 代偿功能 [医学] compensation; 代偿机能不全 broken compensation; 代偿失调 decompensation; 代偿作用 compensation
        失调:    1.(失去平衡) lose balance; dislocate; imbalance; dislocation 重大比例关系严重失调 serious disproportions between major sectors of the economy; 供求失调 imbalance of supply and demand; 经济失调 economic dislocation; 雨水失调 abnormal rainfall2.(失去调养) lack of proper care (after an illness, etc.) 产后失调 lack of proper care after childbirth3.[无线电] maladjustment; detuning; disadjust; disturbance
        心代谢作用:    cardiac metabolism
        得不偿失:    the loss outweighs the gain.; gains cannot make up for losses.; lose more than gain; more kicks than halfpence; pay (too dear) for one's whistle; the game is not worth the candle.; give a lark to catch a kite.; what is gained does not make up for what is lost.: 不干得不偿失的活 avoid the work in which we lose more than we gain
        极大中心代数:    maximally central algebras
        考试中心代号:    center number
        中心代谢途经:    central metabolic pathway
        补偿失业福利:    supplementary unemployment benefit
        元件补偿失效:    component-compensating failure
        代偿11:    compensation
        代偿的:    compensated; compensatory; vicarious
        代偿地:    vicariously
        代偿点:    compensation point
        代偿服:    compensatory suit; counter pressure clothing; pressure compensating suit


  1. "心大静脉"英文
  2. "心大静脉壶腹部"英文
  3. "心大静脉血流"英文
  4. "心大星"英文
  5. "心代偿机能"英文
  6. "心代偿失调 心脏代偿失调"英文
  7. "心代谢作用"英文
  8. "心胆"英文
  9. "心胆俱裂"英文
  10. "心淡情浓"英文


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