彼: that; those; another; the ot ...得: need先令: shilling schilling先令: 1.(英国、肯尼亚、索马里、坦桑尼亚、乌干达等国货币) shilling2.(奥地利货币) schilling六先令: six先令舵: schilling rudder先令号: shilling-mark先令角: shilling c; shilling, c不得先于: not before抢得先机: take the preemptive o ortunities; take the preemptive opportunities取得先机: jump out奥地利先令: ats; austrian schilling (sch.); schilling二十先令: quid肯尼亚先令: kenya shilling秒;第二;先令: s second; shilling塞发先令: cephacetrile索马里先令: somali shilling乌干达先令: kenya shilling; uganda shilling先令(奥地利): schilling先令银币: dollar优先令牌组: ptb priority token bank彼得: bide; k*] peter o'toole; peder; petar; pete seeger; peter pettigrew; peter schmeichel; peter sellers; petre; petter; petur; pieter; pietre; piettre; piot, peter; piotr; pitr; pjeter; pyotr; saint peter; sergio peter; vcd peter pan; zh-hk得先去乾涸山丘: dry hills画画得先打个底子: make a rough sketch before you draw. a copy kept as a record remnant所有友军获得先攻: mass first strike; mass snake strike