Twenty shillings were equal to one pound before 1971 1971年前,二十先令等于一英镑。
Who cares for fish , game , or any other dish ? who would not give all else for two p ennyworth only of beautiful soup 两便士先令和便士是英国的货币单位,十二便士为一先令,二十先令为一英镑。
Remanded , says j . j . one of the bottlenosed fraternity it was went by the name of james wought alias saphiro alias spark and spiro , put an ad in the papers saying he d give a passage to canada for twenty bob 一个叫作詹姆斯沃特,又名萨菲洛,又名斯帕克与斯皮罗的酒糟鼻联谊会328成员在报纸上登广告说,只消出二十先令,他就售给一张赴加拿大的船票。