On the legal validity of violating mandatory rule 论违反强制性规范民事行为之法律效力
A summary of different types of mandatory rules in contract law is given 最后总结了合同法中的强制性规范类型。
The contract of construction is adjusted by laws in different fields which include mandatory regulations 建设工程合同受到不同领域的多部法律及其他规范性文件调整,并且强制性规范众多。
They identified four models of corporate control : the simple finance model ; the stewardship model ; the stakeholder model ; and the political model . chapter 3 , the author brings forward some helpful advice for the development of corporate governance . in addition to the financial and managerial modifications that the debtor undertakes consideration should be given to the restructuring of the firm ' s corporate governance model , through a series of reforms 透过对上述三个国家不同治理结构的比较分析,笔者整理归纳分就外部人控管式及内部人控管式的主要比较项目,并汇总上述三国之公司治理特色,另外美国为整顿其公司内部治理失灵,采用强硬的萨班法案,使私法自治与政府强制性规范的界线有相当的突破,萨班法案造成政府高度管制的利弊得失,值得我们长期观察。
The author suggest that , firstly the system of compulsory withdraw the provident fund should be changed , secondly the system of the compulsory community chest should be changed , thirdly the proportion for profits allotment should be freely instead of compulsory , that is to say shareholders can make an agreement on the profits allotment proportion 对相关制度提出了意见与建议,如:改变强制提取法定公益金、改变法定盈余公积制度、对利润分配比例改强制性规范为任意性规范和不排除股东就利润分配比例自行约定等。