

发音:   用"引起敬畏的"造句
  • awesome
  • foudroyant


        引起:    give rise to; lead to; set o ...
        敬畏:    revere
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        令人起敬畏的:    awe inspiring
        引起敬畏和惊奇的:    causing feelings of awe and wonder
        敬畏的:    awestricken; awed; awestruck; formidable
        充满敬畏的:    awestricken; awestruck
        可敬畏的:    awful
        另人敬畏的:    awesome
        令人敬畏的:    awe-inspiring; dreadful
        尊敬的,敬畏的:    reverent
        强大的, 令人敬畏的:    formidable
        敬畏:    hold in awe and veneration; revere 对上帝的敬畏 reverence toward god; 敬畏某人 regard sb. with reverence
        可畏的:    eldritch
        无畏的:    fearfulless; impavid; intrepid; reckless/ness, fearless/ness; timorou lt gt
        敬畏地:    awedly
        使敬畏:    overawe
        畏惧, 敬畏:    be struck with awe
        令人起敬:    command esteem [respect]
        肃然起敬:    register profound respect; arouse admiration; be filled with (a feeling of) deep veneration; feel (great) respect for sb.; hold in awe; hold sb. in high respect; stand in respect [veneration] of (sb.); stand respectfully before sb
        肃然起敬的:    awestrickenawestruck; awestruck
        令人肃然起敬:    command respect
        引起:    give rise to; lead to; set off; touch off; cause; arouse; stir up; lead up to; bring about; bring to 引起共鸣 evoke sympathy; 引起公愤 incur [arouse] public resentment; set off [touch off] public indignation; 引起哄堂大笑 set off roars of laughing; 引起怀疑 arouse suspicion; 引起连锁反应 set off a chain reaction; 引起麻烦 cause trouble; 引起骚乱 raise a disturbance; 引起兴趣 provoke interest; 引起严重后果 lead to grave consequences; 引起争论 touch off a debate; 引起强烈的反响 cause strong repercussions; 事故是由于粗心大意而引起的。 the accident was caused by carelessness. 此事的重要性已引起了公众的充分注意。 public attention is thoroughly aroused as to its importance. 心脏病是引起老年人死亡的最严重的原因之一。 heart trouble is one of the most serious causes of death among old people
        大无畏的:    intrepid; undaunted; unfearing
        令人生畏的:    forbidding


  1. "引起惊异的"英文
  2. "引起惊厥的"英文
  3. "引起精神病的化学品"英文
  4. "引起警觉"英文
  5. "引起静脉曲张的"英文
  6. "引起敬畏和惊奇的"英文
  7. "引起痉挛"英文
  8. "引起纠缠的情况"英文
  9. "引起纠纷的问题"英文
  10. "引起剧烈瘙痒"英文


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