

发音:   用"引航道"造句
  • access channel
  • navigation approach channel


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Analysis on flow and sediment movement in approach channels of tidal river branches
  2. Numerical model for effects of outlet shapes of approach channels on sediment deposition
  3. Studies on the characteristic of unsteady flow at lower lock approach deserve regards from the aspect of theoretical research and actual practice consideration
  4. Based on the discussion of the characteristics of mountainous rivers and the problems concerning ship lock arrangement , this paper proposes of ship lock approach channel arrangement type adapting to the characteristics of mountainous rivers
  5. Each member should take measures , whenever necessary , to ensure the safety of seafarers from aggression and other unlawful acts while ships are in their territorial waters and especially in approaches to ports


        引航:    pilot; pilotage
        :    road; way; route; path
        船闸引航道:    lock approach; lock guide
        上游引航道:    fpper approach; upper approach; upper lock approach
        下游引航道:    lower approach; lower lock approach
        船闸上游引航道:    upper lock approach
        特殊航道引航员:    branch pilot
        引航:    [航海学] pilot; pilotage 雷达引航 radar pilotage; 由 ... 引航 under the pilotage of ...; 为这艘船引航出港 pilot the ship out; 在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。 it's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.; 引航艇[船] pilot boat; pilot launch; 引航员 pilot
        航道:    channel; lane; course; passage; fairway 重要的国际航道 an important international sea-lane; 主航道 the main channel; 航道有浮标表示。 the channel is marked by buoys. 照着航道走! keep to the channel!; 航道标 navigable channel mark; 航道测量 water course survey; 航道测量船 hydrographical survey ship; 航道等级 waterway classification; 航道疏浚 waterway dredging; 航道水深 fairway depth; 航道网 waterway network; 航道信标 airway beacon
        引航技术;引航费;引航站:    pilotage
        引航引航术引航带:    pilotage
        引航船:    lode ship; pilot boat; pilot cutter; pilot ship; pilot vessel; pilotboat; pilotcutter; pilotvessel
        引航费:    pilot dues; pilot fees; pilot(age)fee; pilotage dues; pilotage rates
        引航机:    lead plane
        引航旗:    pilot flag; pilot jack
        引航区:    pilot waters; pilotage area; pilotage district; pilotage ground; pilotage waters; piloting district; piloting waters
        引航权:    pilotage right
        引航台:    pilot station
        引航艇:    pilot launch
        引航图:    pilot chart
        引航员:    lodeman; lodesman; pilot officer
        引航站:    pilot station; pilotage
        引航证:    pilotage certificate
        由引航:    under the pilotage of
        引航船引航船:    pilot vessel


  1. "引航标志"英文
  2. "引航部位"英文
  3. "引航船"英文
  4. "引航船引航船"英文
  5. "引航船引水船"英文
  6. "引航费"英文
  7. "引航费率"英文
  8. "引航服务"英文
  9. "引航工作"英文
  10. "引航工作条例"英文


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