

  • pilot chart
  • 引航:    pilot; pilotage
  • :    picture; chart; drawing; map
  • 引航图集:    pilot atlas
  • 航图:    [图] chart
  • 引航:    [航海学] pilot; pilotage 雷达引航 radar pilotage; 由 ... 引航 under the pilotage of ...; 为这艘船引航出港 pilot the ship out; 在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。 it's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.; 引航艇[船] pilot boat; pilot launch; 引航员 pilot


        引航:    pilot; pilotage
        :    picture; chart; drawing; map
        引航图集:    pilot atlas
        航图:    [图] chart
        引航:    [航海学] pilot; pilotage 雷达引航 radar pilotage; 由 ... 引航 under the pilotage of ...; 为这艘船引航出港 pilot the ship out; 在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。 it's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.; 引航艇[船] pilot boat; pilot launch; 引航员 pilot
        导航图:    navigation chart; navigational chart; navigationchart
        航图板:    chart board
        航图灯:    map light
        航图桌:    chart table
        领航图:    aeronautical chart; pilot chart; pilot map; pilotage chart; pilotagechart
        夜航图:    night flight chart; night flying map
        引航技术;引航费;引航站:    pilotage
        引航引航术引航带:    pilotage
        引航船:    lode ship; pilot boat; pilot cutter; pilot ship; pilot vessel; pilotboat; pilotcutter; pilotvessel
        引航道:    access channel; navigation approach channel
        引航费:    pilot dues; pilot fees; pilot(age)fee; pilotage dues; pilotage rates
        引航机:    lead plane
        引航旗:    pilot flag; pilot jack
        引航区:    pilot waters; pilotage area; pilotage district; pilotage ground; pilotage waters; piloting district; piloting waters
        引航权:    pilotage right
        引航台:    pilot station
        引航艇:    pilot launch
        引航员:    lodeman; lodesman; pilot officer
        引航站:    pilot station; pilotage
        引航证:    pilotage certificate


  1. "引航事故报告"英文
  2. "引航收据"英文
  3. "引航台"英文
  4. "引航艇"英文
  5. "引航艇巡航处"英文
  6. "引航图集"英文
  7. "引航信号"英文
  8. "引航信号灯领航信号灯"英文
  9. "引航信号灯指示灯"英文
  10. "引航信号引航信号"英文


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