开发: develop; open up; exploit; d ...音乐: music结构: structure; composition; cons ...无调性音乐结构: the structure of atonal music与音乐结缘: develop a liking for music交响乐结构: symphonic structure发音结构: articulatory configuration尝试将电子乐与黑人音乐结合: dj: derrick may kevin saunderson juan atkins结构开发: mechanical development发音: pronunciation; enunciation; articulation; phonation articulation; pronounce; enunciate; articulate 她的英语发音很正确。 she speaks english with a good pronunciation. 他发音不清楚。 his articulation is poor. 这个字母不发音。 this letter is silent [not pronounced]. 这个字怎么发音? how do you pronounce this word?; 发音部位 points of articulation; 发音方法 [语言学] manner of articulation; 发音方式 [语言学] articulation type; 发音过弱 hypophonia; 发音困难 dysphonia; mogiarthria; dyslala; 发音器官 vocal organs; speech organs; organs of speech; 发音清晰 lamprophonia产品开发与结构: proe/ug结构化系统开发: structured system development没有快乐结局: no happy ending我的快乐结局: my happy ending发音;发音法: pronunciation结构化系统开发方法: structured system development methodology开放体系结构开发小组: open architecture development group开放体系结构开发组: oadg open architecture development group总体结构及开发方式: system architecture音乐: music 古典音乐 classical music; 民间音乐 folk music; 轻音乐 light music; 舞蹈音乐 dance music; 总标题音乐 absolute music; 宗教音乐 sacred music; 喜欢音乐 delight in music; 演奏音乐 render music; 请某人听音乐 entertain sb. with music; 我不懂音乐。 i have no ear for music.; 音乐茶馆 music teahouse; 音乐茶座 music cafè; 音乐池 orchestra pit; 音乐电视 mtv; music television; 音乐会 concert; 音乐家 musician; 音乐节 music day; 音乐剧 musical play; 音乐剧情电视片 mpt; musical play television; 音乐片 musical (film); 音乐设计 musical design; 音乐厅 concert hall; music hall; 音乐晚会 musical soirée; 音乐喜剧 musical comedy; 音乐系 the department of music; 音乐小品 miniatura; 音乐欣赏 music appreciation; enjoying music; 音乐修养 musicianship; 音乐学院 conservatory of music; 音乐演奏 musical performance; 音乐作曲家 tone poet 永不会有快乐结局: happy endings gone forever more开发: develop; open up; exploit; developing; exploitation 开发和推广科技成果 develop and disseminate research findings; 开发人才资源 develop human resources; 开发山区 develop mountain areas; 开发实业 open up industries; 开发油田 open up oilfields; 开发地下宝藏 tap underground resources; 开发新产品 develop new products; 开发沿海石油 exploit offshore oil deposits; 开发中心 development centre; 水力开发 water power development; 国土开发 land development in the country; 智力开发 mental development; 开发成本 cost of development; 开发贷款基金 development loan fund; 开发放[贷]款 development loan; 开发公司 development corporation; 开发规划 development project; 开发合作 cooperation in development; (联合国) 开发计划署 united nations development programme (undp); 开发进口 develop-and-import scheme; 开发委员会 development committee; 开发系统 development system; 开发研究 developmental research; 开发银行 development bank; 开发援助 development aid; 开发援助委员会 development assistance committee; 开发周期 construction cycle; 开发智力 tap intellectual resources; 开发资金 development capital; 开发资源 exploit natural resources; tap natural resources爆发音: explosion不发音: gh唇发音: labialization