The writer , absorbed from thoughts of object oriented and object in main body ways , analyzes devises and make technical frame by the way of structural system development c ome true . so , in the process of system achievement , management information system of court of justice has been obtained , which is based on utilization of object oriented languages and object oriented exploitation means 在系统分析中详细阐述了采用一种以结构化系统开发方法为技术框架,溶入面向对象方法的以对象为主体的思想;在系统实现过程中运用面向对象语言及面向对象开发工具来实现法院的管理信息系统。
Firstly , this paper compares the popular methods in is development and clarifies their advantages and disadvantages . according to the system ' s characteristics , a comprehensive method , which combines structured system development methodologies ( ssdm ) , prototyping and uml ( unified modeling language ) for oo ( oriented object ) , is adopted to develop this system 本文首先比较了当今几种流行的信息系统开发方法的优缺点,结合本系统特点,确定本系统的开发采用结构化系统开发方法、原型法和面向对象uml ( unifiedmodelinglanguage )建模技术相结合的一种实用化系统开发方法。
结构: structure; composition; cons ...化: change; turn; transform系统: system开发: develop; open up; exploit; d ...方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...结构化系统开发: structured system development系统开发方法: systems development methodology系统开发方法学: system development methodology信息系统开发方法与实践: information system development techniques and practice结构化系统: structured system信息系统开发方法与实践课程设计: course design for information system development techniques and practice结构化系统分析: structured system analysis结构化系统设计: structured system design结构化系统实现: structured system implementation系统化开发方法: systematized development technique系统再开发方法: system redevelopment methodology结构化系统分析和设计方法: ssadm: structured systems analysis and design method开发方法: method of exploitations开发方法论: development methodology系统开发: system development系统开发股: systems development unit系统开发科: systems development branch创意开发方法: creativity approaches软件开发方法: software development methodology结构化方法: structure approach; structured approach