幌: heavy curtain尻: end of spine; buttocks; bott ...岳: high mountain利尻岳: mount rishiri幌楠: strychnos gaultheriana幌子下: under color of幌楠, 冬绿马钱: strychnos gaultheriana幌子公司: front companies幌筵岛: paramushir island; paramushir o; paramushir, o幌子: 1.(招牌) shop sign; signboard2.(假借的名义) pretense; cover; front 骗人的幌子 a facade; a front; 在裁军的幌子下 under the cover of disarmament; 以经商为幌子从事非法活动。 the business is a cover for unlawful activity恍: 副词1.(恍然) all of a sudden; suddenly2.(与“如、若 ”等连用: 仿佛) seem; as if 恍如梦境 as if in a dream幌延町: horonobe, hokkaidō恍恍惚惚: be quite confused and stupefied幌延: horonobe