The fermentation of many sugars, alcohols, and glucosides by strains of p. multocida is quite variable . 多余性巴氏杆菌各菌株对多种糖,醇,糖苷的发酵是很不同的。
The cells from a normal female contain a small darkly staining body lying just within the nuclear membrane--this is the barr body . 正常女性的细胞含有一个深着色的小体,它位于核膜中这就是巴氏小体。
Pasteurellosis denotes an infectious disease in which the microorgunisms pasteurella multocida or pasteurella hemolytyca are causally involved . 巴氏杆菌病是病原涉及多杀性巴氏杆菌或溶血性巴氏杆菌的一种传染病。
Use pasteurized processed egg products instead 改为使用巴氏灭菌法加工的蛋制品。
Hygienic standard for pasteurized and sterilized milk 巴氏杀菌灭菌乳卫生标准