巴士: bus总站: master station往: toward; to内地: inland; interior; hinterland中央巴士总站(往西部内地): central bus terminal巴士总站: bus terminus接驳巴士总站: feeder bus terminus高速巴士总站驿: express bus terminal station公共小型巴士总站: public light bus terminus云亚巴士总站(往北岸): wynyard bus terminal佐敦道码头巴士总站: jordan road ferry pier于巴士总站以东不远的拉耶花路: jalan bunga raya西部内陆海道: western interior seaway往西: westerly; westward内地: inland; interior; hinterland 内地城市 inland city; 发展内地工业 promote the inland industry; 在中国内地旅游 travel in the interior of china; 内地工业 industry in the interior; 内地海关 inland custom house; 内地水域 inland waters; 内地税 inland duty; 内地运费 inland forwarding expenses; 内地运输 inland transport 往西航: westing往西南: southwesterly往西去: head west巴士: [方言] bus 区间巴士 shuttle bus西部: nishibe; nishibu; saibu; western part; westwards泵总站: base pump station总站;终站: terminus从这儿往西: go west from here打这往西走: go west from here往西南的: southwesterly