巴基斯坦: Pakistan体育: physical culture; physical t ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...巴基斯坦体育之光: pakistan sport light巴基斯坦体育和消遣: pakistan sports and pastimes体育委员会: physical culture and sports committee; sports commission; sports committee巴基斯坦毒品控制委员会: pakistan narcotic control board巴基斯坦农业研究委员会: pakistan agricultural research council; parc巴基斯坦日本联合委员会: pakistan japan joint commission; pakistan-japan joint commission巴基斯坦原子能委员会: paec; pakistan atomic energy commission大众体育委员会: commission du sport pour tous; sport for all commission国际体育委员会: tsic黎巴嫩体育委员会: lebanese federal sports committee全国体育委员会: national sports council卫生和体育委员会: commission for health and physical culture英国体育委员会: sport england巴基斯坦斯里兰卡贸易和工业委员会: pakistan sri lanka trade and industry committee; pakistan-sri lanka trade and industry committee巴基斯坦伊斯兰咨询委员会: islamic advisory council of pakistan联合国印度巴基斯坦委员会: commission des nations unies pour l'inde et le pakestan; uncip; united nations commission for india and pakistan体育委员: commi ary in charge of orts; commissary in charge of sports; commissary in rge of sports; sports美国大学体育委员会: u.s. collegiate sports council体育委员会主任阮名泰: nguyen danh thai新闻青年和体育委员会: commission on information youth and sports医药卫生体育委员会: subcommittee of health medicine and sports; subcommittee of health, medicine and sports最高青年和体育委员会: higher council for youth and sports