新闻: news青年: youth; young people和: mix; blend体育: physical culture; physical t ...委员会: committee; commission; counc ...最高青年和体育委员会: higher council for youth and sports卫生和体育委员会: commission for health and physical culture青年和体育部: ministry of youth and sports of malaysia青年和体育司: division of youth and sports青年和体育部长: minister of youth and sports; secretary of state for youth and sports; youth and sports minister青年和体育大臣: minister of youth and sports; youth and sports minister负责新闻文化青年和体育的国务秘书: secretary of state in charge of information culture youth and sports体育委员会: physical culture and sports committee; sports commission; sports committee新闻青年体育和文化部长: minister of information youth sports and culture教育青年和体育部长: minister of education youth and sports青年和体育国务部长: minister of state for youth and sports; state for youth and sports minister; state minister of youth and sports文化青年和体育部长: culture youth and sports minister; minister of culture youth and sports大众体育委员会: commission du sport pour tous; sport for all commission国际体育委员会: tsic黎巴嫩体育委员会: lebanese federal sports committee全国体育委员会: national sports council英国体育委员会: sport england国民教育文化青年和体育部长: minister of national education culture youth and sports人口社会条件青年和体育部长: minister of population social condition youth and sports; population social condition youth and sports minister体育委员: commi ary in charge of orts; commissary in charge of sports; commissary in rge of sports; sports