左舷: stroke-side; portside; port; ...航行: coastwise navigation; coasti ...左舷抢风航行: sailing on the port tack侧风航行: windward sailing顶风航行: by the wind横风航行: beam wind sailing靠风航行: hug the wind逆风航行: ahold; luff; sail against the wind; stem顺风航行: run before the wind; run free; sail before the wind; sail large; sailing downwind; sailing with free wind; touch the wind; touchthewind顺风航行, 发迹: sail before the wind贴风航行: ahold下风航行: sailing by the lee向上风航行: in the wind向下风航行: steer to leeward迎风航行: beat; luff(to); sailing close-hauled; stem; tack on the wind迎风航行的: close-hauled正顺风航行: both sheets aft左舷航行: port tack(on a--)使船顺风航行: head down使船迎风航行: head up; point在岸下风航行: run under the lee of the shore尽量靠上风航行: keethe royal touching顺风航行;顺着风向: down the wind几乎顶风航行,抢风驶航: sail close on a wind; sail close to the wind; sail near the wind左舷: stroke-side; portside; port; larboard