寻找: seek; look for; search; sear ...失物: lost article; lost property寻找失踪者: searching for the loser寻找失球测验: ball and field test寻找失去的爱: flowers for algernon寻找失去的东西: finding lost articels寻找失落的热带雨林: look for the lost tropic forestrain失物: lost article; lost property 寻找失物 look for lost articles; 失物招领处 lost and found office; lost property office; 失物追查单[人] cargo tracer关于合作寻找失踪人员的协定: agreement on cooperation in the search for missing persons失物箱: lucky bag失物者: loser损失物: loser遗失物: lost property; lost things; otoshimono寻找: seek; look for; search; searching; finding; tracing; location; pathfinding; hunting 寻找失物 look for sth. lost; 寻找新的水源 search for new water sources; 寻找时间 seek time; 寻找新的线索 cast about for fresh clues; 寻找油田 hunt for oilfields 认领失物: claim a lost article丧失物业权: forfeiture of property right失物归主: return things lost to their owner(s)失物相符: identity of lost goods失物招领: advertise for the owner of a lost thing; articles found, owner please contact失物招领处: lost and found counter; lost and found office; lost and found room; lost property office; lost- and- found offices; lost-and-found office失物追查单: cargo tracer失物追查人: cargo tracer失物追查者: tracer失物自理: not responsible for anything lost拾得物, 遗失物: lost property